Geographical Discoveries


Geographical Discoveries

In late medieval period Europeans were involved in a very unique and new kind of adventure known as Geographical discoveries. In 1453 the Ottoman Turks conquered the city of Constantinople which was the capital of Byzantine Empire. It affected the European trade with the eastern part of the world, mainly India and China through land route. As far as trade through sea was concerned it was monopolised by Italy. Through Mediterranean Sea route the goods were brought to Italy and later on they were distributed in other parts of Europe. Hence, many Italian cities like Venice had emerged as important trade centers in Europe. With the fall of Constantinople in the hands of Ottoman Turks, the Europeans were strongly resolved to find new sea routes which would take them to the East.

The Europeans were not only interested in exploring new sea routes but also acquiring land and attempt adventures. Apart from these factors there were many reasons responsible for the Geographical discoveries. These causes are as following:

The Europeans were attracted by the wealth of eastern countries like India and China. They had come to know about this wealth when they had gone to fight crusades in holy land of Jerusalem. The accounts of earlier European adventures like Marco Polo also gave them information about the richness of the East. This very wealth of Eastern world caught the imagination of the Europeans and they decided to establish direct contact with the East by way of discovering new sea routes.

One can say that after Renaissance Europe witnessed development in trade and commerce. People at large developed taste for worldly affairs and hence wanted to enjoy different goods and products. The goods from eastern world were quite famous in the West.

Certain, goods and commodities from East were in tremendous demand in Europe. These goods included spices like clove, pepper, ginger, nutmegs, cinnamon, clothes like silk, cotton, satin, other commodities such as camphor, sandal wood, indigo, glass, metal works, iron, copper, woolen cloth, precious stones like pearls, diamonds, rubies and precious metals like gold and silver. In order to seek these goods directly the Geographical discoveries were promoted. Countries like Portugal and Spain were on the forefront and later on other European countries also joined this bandwagon.

The demand for Eastern goods had increased on great extent but the fall of Constantinople in the hands of Turks created hurdles in the trade between West and East. The capture of Constantinople by Turks definitely affected the trade carried out through land route as Turks imposed restrictions on this trade and also started collecting heavy toll. Even they asked for higher prices for the Eastern goods. Hence, the Europeans were desperate to find out alternate routes which led to the discovery of sea routes and new lands earlier unknown to them such as America.

After Renaissance Europeans gained knowledge of various areas and subjects. It included science and geography. Instruments like mariner’s compass, the quadrant, the astrolabe and telescope made the sea journey of sailors much easier and less risky. The Europeans around this time started making accurate and scientific maps and charts of the world which included the location of the different seas. Equipped with this knowledge and instruments Europeans set on the adventures of Geographical Discoveries.

The European kings and Christian missionaries were interested in spreading Christianity in overseas lands. Hence, both ruling families and missionaries wanted to see to it that geographical discoveries are promoted. The Christian missionaries had such a great zeal for spreading Christianity that most of the times they used to travel along-with traders to the overseas territories.

Europeans gained scientific knowledge about earth and other celestial bodies like planets, stars, moon, etc. thanks to development of science during Renaissance. Earlier there was misconception that Earth was flat but Renaissance scientists proved beyond doubt that Earth is spherical in shape. Hence, European explorers and sailors were quite confident that by traveling towards West through sea i.e. Atlantic Ocean they could ultimately reach the East. Columbus did the same thing and ended discovering New World i.e. America.

As mentioned earlier, Italians were mainly controlling the trade with East. In other words, there was Italian monopoly on trade between West and East. Other Europeans now wanted to break this monopoly of Italy and establish direct trade links with East and earn profits.

The most important factor which resulted in discovery of new sea routes and lands was the patronage and encouragement given to explorers by royal families of countries like Portugal and Spain. Later on the rulers of countries such as England, France, Netherlands, etc. also followed their example. For planning and carrying out sea expeditions lots of money, vessels and money power was needed which was provided by these royal families.

Explorers from various European countries contributed to the Geographical Discoveries. Some of these explorers were- Vasco da Gama (Portugal), Christopher Columbus (originally from Italy but his expedition was sponsored by the royal family of Spain), Ferdinand Magellan (Portugal), John Cabot (originally Italian but voyage to the West towards America was sponsored by the royal family of England), Pedro Alvares Cabral (Portugal), Amerigo Vespucci (Italy), Balboa (Spain), Giovanni da Verrazano (he was Italian, his voyage towards West was sponsored by the rulers of France), Richard Chancellor (Britain), etc.

The Geographical Discoveries proved to be quite beneficial to Europeans in general and European ruling families in particular. It produced the following results or effects:

The countries which were on the forefront of the geographical explorations and discoveries ended up establishing overseas colonial empires. For instance, the Portuguese who came to India established their colonies on western coast of India which included Goa. Portuguese also colonised Brazil in South America. Most of the parts of South America and Central America were colonised by Spain. Eastern part of today’s USA was colonised by British. Canada was colonised by France and Britain. The British established control on various other parts of the world as well such as Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, etc. In due course countries like Netherlands, Belgium and Germany also established their overseas colonies.

The Geographical Discoveries prompted the economic development of European countries. The European countries started getting lots goods, raw material and precious metals from their overseas colonies which helped them economically.

One of the negative aspects of Geographical Discoveries was that it led to Slave Trade. Portuguese and Spanish people captured the sturdy and strongly built black people of Africa and sold them to the plantation owners in New World or America as Slaves. These black Slaves were forced to work on huge plantations and treated very badly by their white masters. Even, the native Americans known as Red Indians were also exploited by the white settlers by way of confiscating their lands.

Europe witnessed rise and expansion in its trade and commerce, thanks to the Geographical Discoveries. Now, European traders started going to almost all important parts of the world like Asia, Africa and South America. Variety of goods were brought from these lands which included sugar, rum, cotton, spices, ivory, tea, coffee, spices, etc. The trade between Europe and other continents increased enormously.

The Europeans gained knowledge about new territories, seas and people due to Geographical Discoveries. European adventurers and explorers found out the earlier unknown lands and also sea routes. For instance, Christopher Columbus discovered the New World which was unknown to Europeans earlier. The New World subsequently came to be known as America. Like Christopher Columbus each and every explorer added to the existing geographical and world knowledge of the Europeans. They came to about the variety of flora and fauna and different kind of people from different parts of the world. Europeans now firmly started believing in scientific truth that Earth was round and not flat as it was believed earlier.

One of the unique features of Geographical Discoveries was that the countries like Portugal, Spain, England, etc. which had promoted and supported Geographical Discoveries witnessed the rise of powerful monarchies which in turn gave political stability to these countries. The royal families and kings of these countries were on the forefront for promoting the Geographical Discoveries. Hence, these countries established overseas colonies which became the source of money and power to the monarchs of these countries.

One more negative aspect of the Geographical Discoveries apart from Slavery was that it resulted into the destruction of indigenous Red Indian cultures in South America. The Spaniards who had colonised most of the part of South America played the negative role of destroying the erstwhile Red Indian civilsations like Inca, Maya and Aztec.

The above discussion clearly shows that Geographical Discoveries were an important development in the history of the world. It not only resulted in to the discovery of new lands, seas, sea routes, flora and fauna and people but most importantly brought the world more closer.


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