Israel, Eli Cohen and Mossad



 (Eli Cohen and Mossad)

        It is observed that most of the countries in the world have their spy agencies. These spy agencies are mainly of two types. One agency is maintained for gathering the domestic intelligence while the other is given the task of collecting important information from foreign lands.

        If we take the example of prominent powers in the world like United States of America, United Kingdom, France and Russia, these countries have their respective foreign intelligence gathering agencies. The external intelligence or spy agency of United States of America entrusted with the task of collecting sensitive and classified information about the nation's interest is known as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It was established in the year 1947 during the Presidency of Harry S. Truman. The Headquarters of CIA are located at the Langley, in Fairfax county of Virginia. The external spy agency of United Kingdom is called as the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) also known as the Military Intelligence Section 6 (MI6). The Headquarters of MI6 are located in the SIS building or MI6 building at Vauxhall Cross in Lambeth borough of London. The French spy agency entrusted with the task of collecting foreign intelligence is called as The General Directorate for External Security or in French language- 'Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure'-DGSE). The Headquarters of DGSE are located at 141 Boulevard Mortier, Paris XX (the 20th arrondissement of Paris. There are twenty arrondissements in the city of Paris).

        The external intelligence agency of Russia is called as the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation. Till 1991, the spy agency responsible for gathering the intelligence for erstwhile Soviet Union was known as the KGB. The First Chief Direcorate or First Main Directorate, a division of KGB was responsible for gathering the international intelligence

            for the Communist government of Soviet Union. It is a well-known fact that in 1991, the Communist rule in Soviet Union collapsed and that country also disintegrated which resulted into many states seceding away from Soviet Union and emerging as the independent and sovereign countries. The biggest among these was of course, the Russian Federation, better known as Russia as well. The capital of Russia is Moscow, which was also the capital of Soviet Union. Indian spy agency entrusted with the external espionage is called as the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW). It was established on 21 September 1968.

         In line with the need of maintaining external spy agency which is important instrument of collecting information from foreign lands in the national interest, Israel, a small nation in the western-most part of Arabia or West Asia also established its external intelligence agency on 13 December 1949. Mossad is considered as one of the most powerful and deadliest spy agencies in the world. It is not covered or controlled by the laws of the constituion in Israel. Hence, some observres call it as the state within state. The Director of Mossad reports straightway and only to the Prime Minister of Israel. It shows the significance attached to this spy agency. In its history of seventy- o n e  years, Mossad has carried out many high profile and sensational operations for the state of Israel.

         Israel, known as the country of the Jews came into existence on 14 May 1948. Jews from different parts of the world or countries migrated to this land and formed what is called as Israel. Jews claim that, Israel was their ancient land. According to Jewish history, around 71 AD, Jews were forced to leave their ancient land of Levant. The land of Levant included present day Israel, Palestine, Lebnon, Jordan and Syria. Scholars believe that the history of Israel and Jews goes back to more than three thousand years back. The most famous king of the Jews mentioned in Old Bible or Hebrew Bible is King David. Hebrew is the language spoken by the Jews. It is very ancient language. There is one story in Hebrew Bible mentioning King David. In this story King David kills one Goliath in one-to-one fight or a duel. David, of course was defending his tribe of Jews against the Philistines represented by Goliath. David was depicted as a small boy and Goliath as a gigantic person. Even though David was small in stature he defeats Goliath with the help of his sharp intellect. It is said that David conquered Jerusalem and brought the 'Ark of the Covenant' to Jerusalem which is associated with the 'Ten Commandments' of Moses', 'Aron's Rod' and 'Pot of Manna or Mana'. According to Jewish traditions king David was succeeded by his son king Solomon. King Solomon is credited for constructing the First Temple in Jerusalem for worshipping the God. It was also known as Solomon's Temple and destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II around 587 BC during the siege of Jerusalem. Nebuchadnezzar II was the king of Babylon from 605 BC to 562 BC. Babylon was the capital of the kingdom of Babylonia. Babylonian kingdom was located in central-southern Mesopotamia. And the ancient Mesopotamia included the present day Iraq, Kuwait, eastern Syria, south-eastern Turkey and also the areas located around the boundaries of Turkey and Syria and Iraq and Iran. As far as Babylonia is concerned as mentioned above its location corresponds to central-southern part of Mesopotamia i.e. more precisely present day Iraq and Syria. According to experts the city of Babylon was existing around ninety-four kilometers south-west of Baghdad, the present day capital of Iraq.

        We find the mention that Egyptian Pharaohas also attacked the ancient land of Jews. The rulers of ancient Egypt were known as the 'Pharaohas'. We also get information that the present day Israel was divided into two kingdoms of Israel (northern part) and Judah (southern part). It is said that this split took place after the death of king Solomon. According to experts, there were many instances when Israel and Judah were involved in fighting against each other.

        The Romans conquered Jerusalem around 63 BC. It is said that when Roamans occupied the Jewish land many Jews migrated to the city of Rome and got involved in trade. During Roman rule, many believe, Jews started emigrating from Israel or Palestine. It is said that they were made to leave their homeland due to Roman rule and the large scale emigration of Jews began in 71 AD. Hence, one can say that almost two thousand years back most of the Jews left their ancestral land and settled down in different countries of Europe. Jews even came to India. In Konkan region of the state of Maharashtra Jews settled down. In the cities of Mumbai and Thane in Maharashtra even today the Jew population can be found. After the creation of Israel many Jews migrated over there but quite a few of them decided to stay back in India. In the city of Thane, the Jewish population is mainly concentrated in the area around Charai and Tembhi Naka. There is also a 'Synagogue' near Civil Hospital in Thane city. The place if worship if Jews is called as Synagogue.

        Through their hard work these Jews migrated to different parts of the world including Europe were able to create their own identity in various areas, be it education, science, business, politics, etc. As far as Europe was concerned it is said that Jews were mostly involved in variety of businesses and hence, were well to do people. The Jews living in different countries of Europe maintained their separate religious identity. They made it a point to to preserve their ancient culture and traditions. Jews also preserved their ancient language of Hebrew and it is said that they revived this language and started conversing in it extensively in their day-to-day life from late 19th century onwards.

        The local European political regimes and people from different European countries started targeting Jews. Mostly, Jews were considered as businessmen who were exploiting the local original people of respective Europeans. This thinking resulted into a hatred and attacks on Jews. This type of behavior and state supported pogroms became the feature of the day extensively by the mid-19th century. It also came to be known as anti- Semitism. Hence, the Jews started to the Zionist Movement by the end of the 19th century. The prime goal of this movement was to create or establish an independent nation or country of Jews. The British government was favorable to this demand of the Zionist Movement since the beginning of the 20th century. British government even had offered the land in modern day Kenya to the Jews as per the Uganda Scheme. But, later on when Jewish leaders decided to appeal the Jews to migrate to Palestine (their ancient land) and settle down over there, the British government gave support to it by way of Balfour Declaration of 1917 during the First World War.

        One can say that since the beginning of the 20th century the migration of Jews to Palestine began on large scale. The events like First World War, Rise of Hitler and Nazi rule in Germany and Second World War prompted further migration of Jews from Europe to Palestine. Particularly, the merciless killings of millions of Jews in Nazi Germany under Hitler's rule caused exodus of several Jewish families from Germany and other European countries to Palestine from the decade of 1930s onwards. Czarist Russia was also known for its notorious anti-Semitism and pogroms.

        Ultimately, on 14 May 1948, the Jews who had settled down large in number in Palestine proclaimed the creation of their own country in that part of the world and their country came to be known as Israel. Since, its birth Israel invited the wrath of the neighbouring Arab countries like Syria, Jordan, Egypt, etc. which believed that their Arab brethren i.e. Palestinian Arabs were rendered homeless by the Jews in their own Homeland. Hence, the Arab countries as a solidarity and support to Palestinian Arabs living in Israel attacked Israel on several occasions. It led to many wars between Israel and Arab nations such as the Suez War of 1956, the Six Day War of 1967, the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Apart from these major wars the hostilities continue between Israel and its neighbouring Arab countries occasionally. Even, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israeli military forces experience the violent exchanges regularly.

        The constant fear and danger posed by its neighbours and other external enemies, naturally prompted Israel to have its external spy agency which would gather sensitive secret information about Israel's probable enemies and also execute the covert operations and of course, the result was Mossad.

        Mossad since its inception on 13 December 1949 has carried out many sensational operations. It has enjoyed the band of dedicated secret agents who were ready to go to any extent for protecting their motherland from the prying eyes of the enemy. One such agent was Eli Cohen.

        Eli Cohen, whose full name was Eliahu ben Shaoul Cohen, was trained as secret agent by Mossad and was given the name of Kamal Amin Thaabet. He was born in 1924 in Alexandria in Egypt. Alexandria is one of the important cities in Egypt. It was founded in 332 BC by Alexander the Great. Eli Cohen's parents were of Syrian origin. Syria is one of the important Arab countries located in Western Asia. It shares its boundaries with Iraq (East), Jordan (South), Israel (South-West), Lebnon (West) and Turkey (North). Eli was on the mission of secret service in Syria between 1961 to 1965. It is said that Eli's father was originally from the city of Aleppo in Syria.

        Cohen was involved in the Zionist activities in Egypt. He also helped many Jews to migrate to Israel in order to escape the persecution on the part of the Egyptian authorities. He remained very active in Egypt till the early half of 1950s and helped the Israeli spies or agents actively in their various activities and covert operations in Egypt. But, surprisingly the Egyptian government was not able to prove the involvement of Cohen in most of these activities. It shows his genius at the craft of spying.

        In 1956 Eli left Egypt and permanently settled down in Israel as in Egypt the attacks on Jews were increasing every day. Cohen wanted to be a Mossad agent since his arrival in Israel but his requests were turned down in the beginning. Ultimately, Cohen was recruited by Mossad and after a rigorous training given by his trainers he was sent to Bunoes Aires. Many Syrian Arabs had migrated to Argentina. The presence of people of Syrian descent was very strong in Bunoes Aires, the capital city of Argentina. Even today we find the trend of many Syrians and Lebonese migrating to Argentina.

        Cohen was sent to Bunoes Aires as the powerful businessman by his Mossad operators. It was made out that his father had migrated to Argentina and built the business empire. Cohen made people around him and especially the prominent Syrians in Bunoes Aires that he wanted to go back to the country of his roots i.e. Syria and made use of his fortune for betterment of Syria.

        Cohen befriended powerful Syrians in Bunoes Aires and with their help migrated to Syria. In Syria he made friendship with top government and military personalities of course, with the help of his money. Cohen used to throw lots of liquor parties for influential Syrian politicians and military officers. His proximity to powerful people from Syrian political and military establishment helped him to collect the sensitive and classified information. He used to send this information to his bosses in Israel. He used to pass on secret information either by radio transmissions or by visiting Israel personally, of course secretly.

        Cohen, while in Syria also visited the Golan Heights area in Syria. Golan Heights, basically a hilly area was located on the boundary of Israel and Syria. It is said that the information gathered and sent by Cohen about the activities of Syrian military in Golan Heights helped the Israelis to capture this area from Syria in Six Day War (5 to 10 June 1967).

        Eli Cohen was married to Nadia Majald. She was from the Jewish family who had migrated from Iraq. Cohen and Nadia had three children. Nadia's elder brother Sami Micheal is a famous writer in Hebrew language who has won many accolades.

        One more important pieces of information sent by Cohen from Syria was the plan of the Syrians to divert the course of the Jordan river in order to deprive Israel of its important water resource.

        Ahmed Suideni, the important intelligence officer of Syria had a reputation of not trusting anybody. He was a typical spy. Suideni even kept Cohen under his radar. By 1964 Cohen had sensed the risk of carrying out the intelligence mission from Syria and had requested his masters to allow him to return to Israel. The Syrian intelligence officers by this time had come to firm conclusion that their is a mole in their system who is passing on information of great significance to their enemy i.e. Israel. The Syrians took the help of Russians in tracking this mole and as we know he was none other than Cohen. Eli Cohen had the habit of transmitting information through radio. He was warned on many occasions to limit the use of radio as there was constant fear and possibility of tracking down the person using it by tracing the source of the radio signals. But, Cohen went on using radio on many occasions and at last the same mistake proved to be costly for him when Syrian agents with the help of Russians tracked down his apartment and caught him red-handedly when he was transmitting information to Israeli authorities. Thus, a career of one of the very famous of Mossad came to an end on 24 January 1965. The government of Israel made lots of efforts to protect Cohen by pleading for amnesty for him. But, the Syrians did not budge an inch and Cohen was publicly hanged in Damascus, the capital of Syria on 18 May 1965.

    Eli Cohen remains one of the most loved spies of Mossad in Israel who sacrificed his life for the well being of his fellow countrymen. It is said that Mossad was able to trace the wristwatch of Cohen which was handed over to his family members and at present it is displayed as an important trophy in the Headquarters of Mossad. The Eliad area in Golan Heights has been named after Eli Cohen by Israeli authorities. Also a memory stone of Eli Cohen has been erected in the Garden of the Missing in Action in Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. This Garden is dedicated to the Israelis Missing in Action (MIAs). These Israeli MIAs are the members of the Israeli Defense agencies who remain missing while working or fighting in the interest of their motherland and who could not be traced.

        In 2019, Netflix, the American media and production company which produces films and web series and streams it online, produced the miniseries based on the life and exploits of Eli Cohen. This Nteflix miniseries is titled as 'The Spy'. This web series has been directed by Gideon Raff, the Israeli director. The role of Eli Cohen has been portrayed by Sacha Noam Baron Cohen, the famous English actor, writer, director, producer and comedian. Nadia, the widow of Cohen has objected to some part of the story of this miniseries. Nevertheless, she has also expressed the satisfaction for the fact that this miniseries will definitely again rekindle the interest of people in the exploits and sacrifices of her brave husband who laid down his life for the protection of his country.

        Today, Israel remains one of the highly economically developed and scientifically advanced countries in the world. Since, its birth on 14 May 1948 it is facing the hostilities from outside forces but has become successful in defeating its enemies time and again. Israel could do defeat its enemies and protect its people in several occasions continuously and it does so even today, thanks to its great sons like Eli Cohen who are always ready to take risk and sacrifice their lives for the sake of their country. Even, nobody can forget the contribution of Mossad in safeguarding and strengthening the defences of Israel by way of collecting sensitive information about the plans of enemies of Israel through its secret operations carried out by the 'katsas'. The field agents of Mossad are known as 'katsas'. Mossad has carried out many sensational operations in its existence of. years. It has also successfully captured the erstwhile Nazis who played crucial roles in executive millions of Jews in Hitler's Germany. These Nazi personalities were hiding in many parts of the world including far off countries like Argentina but Mossad tracked them down and secretly brought them to Israel and brought them to justice for third crimes against Jews.

        The country which possesses the great children like Eli Cohen and secret agencies like Mossad could seldom be defeated by its enemies. The people of Israel are fortunate enough to have produced many Cohens and have a powerful agency like Mossad to oversee their safety day in and day out.


Asst. Prof. Subhash G. Shinde 

Vice Principal and HoD, History

VPM's Joshi-Bedekar College, Thane

1 comment:

Mikhail Gorbachev

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