Reza Shah Pahlavi: The Man who modernised Iran single-handedly


Reza Shah Pahlavi

The Man who modernised Iran single-handedly

We read in the history books that Mustafa Kemal Pasha reformed and modernised Turkey. One can say that in the similar manner Reza Shah Pahlavi of Iran transformed his country by attempting to bring positive changes.

Reza Shah Pahalvi’s original name was Reza Khan. He was born on 15 March 1878 in the city of Alasht located in the province of Mazanderan near Caspian Sea. His father’s name was Major Abbas Ali Khan. He went to Tehran along with his mother after the death of his father. He got military training under the supervision of Russian trainers. Iran was having presence and influence of two European powers during those days. One was Russia and the other one was England. Personality of Reza Khan was striking and very much suitable for military service. He was strong and tall man with sharp intelligence. He had developed utter disliking for his Russian superiors and Russia as such.

He wanted to bring changes in Iran, then known as Persia. He and many others like him had started thinking that bringing an end to the rule of Qajar dynasty in Iran would usher into a new beginning in the life of their nation. Qajar monarchs were ruling Iran from 1794 onwards. They had proved to be a failure as far as promoting modernisation and new-age development of Iran was concerned.

Reza Shah had experience of working with Russian military commanders in the beginning. He did not have high opinions about them. Rather, he disliked them. The precarious political conditions in Iran in the opening decades of 20th century had disturbed this patriotic army officer. He wanted to bring the political change in his motherland. He got able partner in this endeavour in the form of Ziauddin Tabatabi. British played an important role in bringing these two Iranian nationalists and in turn overthrowing the government of Ahmad Shah, the then king of Iran. Reza Shah and Ziauddin Tabatabi with the help of army forced Ahmad Shah to step down as the king of Iran on February 21, 1921.

In the beginning Reza Shah was appointed as Commander-in-Chief of armed forces and Ziauddin Tabatabi became the Prime Minister. But, later on Ziauddin Tabatabi resigned as the Prime Minister and in 1923 Reza Khan became the Prime Minister of Iran. Ultimately on December 12, 1925 Reza Khan was made the king of Iran by a constitutional amendment. From this time onwards he came to be known as Reza Shah and his dynasty was called Pahlavi.

After declaring himself as the king of Iran Reza Shah started his ambitious Reform Programme. The intent of his reforms was to develop his country and modernize it. Important reforms introduced by him were as following:

Reza Shah took firm action against the law breakers and law violators. He wanted to make peasants, traders and common people to feel safe. He established the strong central government in Iran and took swift action against bandits and marauders. By doing so, one can say that he brought law and order back on track in Iran.

One of the goals of Reza Shah was to achieve economic development of the country. He realised that an expert advise is needed in this regard, hence, he appointed an American viz. Dr. Arthur Millspaugh as economic adviser to his government. The financial condition and revenue collection system was improved and industries were promoted. Textile, cement and sugar factories were established. National Bank was formed in Iran. These efforts indeed paid rich dividends.

Due attention was paid towards improving communication and transport facilities. Wireless service was brought under the control of Iranian government. He built good roads and most importantly an ambitious Trans-Iranian railroad project was completed with indigenous funding without taking foreign aid. The Trans-Iranian railroad definitely became the engine for promoting further economic development of Iran.

Reza Shah knew very well that Iran was lacking proper judicial system and modern laws. Hence, he  introduced a new judicial system based on French model. The proper Penal Code made way for age-old Iranian laws. A special act was passed making it mandatory to register the marriages as well as divorces taking place in the country. The Waqf properties were taken over by the government and nation and national issues were given more importance over religious aspects.

Reza Shah endeavoured to give modern, liberal and most importantly secular education to Iranian students. In Tehran, the capital of Iran an University was established. Primary education was made compulsory. In order to make illiterate adults to read and write adult education programme was designed. The schools started by European and American Missionaries were allowed to give education to Iranian children. Iranian students interested in going to Europe for taking education were supported and helped by the government.

His intention was to modernise as well as westernise the Iranian society. Hence, he asked Iranian men to wear western style clothes and women to stop wearing veil. Law against polygamy was made. It was a fantastic step towards giving justice to women. He gave up lunar calendar and accepted the solar calendar. He made systematic efforts to purify Persian language from the influence of Arabic language. Western literary genres, films, music and architecture was promoted. He considered Persia, the name of his country as western sounding and changed it to Iran.

The Second World War resulted in to the downfall of the progressive regime of Reza Shah. England was controlling the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company located in Iran. But, Reza Shah started taking help from French, German, Italian and other European experts in the years to come for technological advancement of the country. During Second World War Reza decided to remain neutral not taking side of either allied or axis powers. He also refused the suggestion of British to ask German technicians to leave Iran on the allegation of being German spies operating in Iran. He refused to allow the use of Trans-Iranian railroad to allied powers like England and Russia during Second World War. These bold decisions of Reza Shah were disliked by England and Russia and they attacked Iran and ultimately he was forced to step down as the king of Iran in 1941. In his place his son Muhammad Reza Shah was appointed as the ruler of Iran. Reza Shah was sent to Mauritius and afterwards to Johannesburg. In Johannesburg this great leader and king of Iran died on July 26, 1944.

Reza Shah undoubtedly remains one of the greatest rulers in the history of modern Iran. He single-handedly brought vivid changes in Iran and certainly modernised and westernised his country.

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