Hitler: A Fuhrer responsible for Second World War




 A Fuhrer responsible for Second World War

In 1914 First World War broke out in Europe. It went up to 1918. The main belligerents during this war were Allied countries and Central Powers. The group of Allied countries included England, France, Italy, etc. The main Central Powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey. During First World War Hitler joined German Army and fought against Allied Powers. He was injured during the First World War. He was very upset when Germany lost First World War. After the First World War Treaty of Versailles was signed with Germany which put lots of financial burden and restrictions on Germany. Germans considered the Treaty of Versailles as lopsided and exploiting. Hitler was very much against the Treaty of Versailles.

Hitler was a good orator. He used to impress audience with his speeches. He became the member of Nazi Party and afterwards became the most important leader of it. Hitler started criticising France and put forward the thought of racial supremacy of Germans being true Aryans. He systematically promoted hatred against Jews in the minds of Germans. He started assuring German public that if he comes to power he would make Germany great again. He heavily criticised the democratically elected government in post First World War Germany.

Hitler was involved in anti government activities in Germany. Hence, he was arrested and put in to jail. While in jail he wrote his autobiography titled ‘Mein Kampf’ meaning ‘My Struggle’  which contained his aggressive thoughts. In spite of several grammatical errors this book became popular among Germans.

Nazi Party was becoming popular slowly and steadily in Germany. In 1932 elections Nazi Party emerged as the single largest party but couldn’t acquire majority in the parliament. Hitler even tried to become the President of Germany but he was defeated by Paul von Hindenburg. A mistake of Von Papen, the then Chancellor of Germany to ask Hitler to join his government as Vice Chancellor cost him and Germany heavily. Because Hitler put pressure to appoint him as Chancellor and Von Papen was demoted to the post of Vice Chancellor.

After becoming Chancellor Hitler took steps to eliminate his and Nazi Party’s rivals. In short he finished the opposition parties and after the death of President Hindenburg declared himself as the Supreme leader of Germany concentrating the powers of President, Chancellor and Commander-in-Chief of German armed forces.

The Secret Police Department of Hitler pressurised and terrorised those who were opposed to Hilter’s Nazi regime. Not only so, Hitler even erected special camps in order to literally jail the opponents. It was nothing short of but a virtual death of democracy.

Hitler knew very well that in order to strengthen his regime he needs to improve economic condition of Germany. Economically, Germany was in precarious situation thanks to First World War and the Great Depression of 1929. Emphasis was given on increasing production of various goods and subsequently to export it. Jobs were created for unemployed. Housing was provided to needy people. Health services were improved.

As far as religious policy of Hitler was concerned he had great dislike for Roman Catholics. Roman Catholic run schools were shut down. Like Roman Catholics Hitler and Nazis literally hated Jews. They considered that Jews were responsible almost for all the problems Germany suffered from, including the First World War and Germany’s defeat in that War. Hitler considered Germans as pure Aryans and looked down upon Jews as belonging to inferior race and blood. Having such views about Jews Hitler systematically implemented the policy of persecuting Jews. This policy is infamous in History as Anti-Semitism.  Several thousand Jews were killed by Nazi regime as a part of this policy. Hence, lots of Jews left Germany during the period of Nazi rule. The killings of Jews by Hitler is also called as Holocaust.

Through education the Nazi ideology and propaganda was promoted. The most important qualification for becoming teacher was to believe in Nazi thought.  Loyalty to Hitler and Nazis was systematically cultivated among youth and students. They were taught to hate Jews and take pride being Germans i.e. people of superior blood.

As far as foreign policy of Hitler was concerned it was very aggressive. Hitler was not interested in continuing the membership of League of Nations. He knew that if Germany continued to remain the member of the League of Nations then it would have to follow the international norms in respect with her foreign policy. This was the reason Hitler gave up Germany’s membership of the League of Nations in spite of signing Four-Power Agreement or Pact.

Hitler was able to recover the famous Saar Basin for Germany around 1935. Hitler always cherished the dream of uniting Austria with Germany. He probably had emotional attachment for this union of Austria and Germany because he was Austrian German. He made quite a few efforts to bring Austria under German control and was at last successful to do so in 1938. One of the major successes of Hitler in his foreign policy was that he was able to convince a power like England to allow Germany to produce the necessary equipment for German Navy.  Hitler or Germany along with Italy and Japan formed the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis. The common thing among these three countries was that they were having Dictatorial governments. Perhaps, this was one of the common threads which brought these countries together.

Hitler was a very shrewd politician. He did not have great love for Soviets and Stalin but in order to achieve his long term aggressive goals he signed an agreement with Soviet Russia. This agreement is known as Nazi-Soviet Pact. Later on Hitler conveniently violated this Pact during the years of Second World War.

Hitler since the beginning was interested in acquiring the neighbouring territories and expanding the German empire. He always had his eyes on Czechoslovakia. He invaded Czechoslovakia in March 1939 and annexed it. He also violated an agreement with Poland and invaded it on September 1, 1939. This Polish invasion of Germany triggered the most destructive War in human history till date i.e. Second World War.

Hitler due to his aggressive foreign policy pushed Germany and the World into Second World War. This war caused unimaginable destruction to property and human loss. Hitler committed suicide on 30th April 1945 and Germany also lost the Second World War subsequently.

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