Cold War

 Cold War

Cold War was a very unique kind of chain of events going on roughly from the end of Second World War to 1991. It was a sort of rivalry between the two Super Powers viz. United States of America (USA) and Soviet Union. It was not just a rivalry between these two giants but also between the group of countries which followed and accepted the leadership of USA and Soviet Union. Most of the Western European countries like United Kingdom, France, West Germany, etc. were the allies of USA. In case of most of the Eastern European countries, they were the followers of Soviet Union.

It can be seen that rivalry between United States of America and Soviet Union began in post Second World War era. During the Second World War America and Soviet Union were fighting hand-in-hand against Germany. But, after the defeat of Germany and Japan in Second World War the pre Second World War differences between the USA and USSR came out  openly. The friendship of Second World War years gave way to rivalry between USA and Soviet Union and their respective allies. This rivalry itself is called as the Cold War.

Cold War resulted into many situations wherein entire world was put under tremendous pressure. Some of such events of Cold War were Korean War, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam War, etc. It also led to the formation and signing of various Security Pacts such as North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), South East Asia Treaty Organisation (SEATO), Central Treaty Organisation (CENTO), ANZUS (Australia, New Zealand, United States), Pact, Warsaw Pact, etc. Out of these Security Pacts Warsaw Pact was signed between the Soviet Union and her communist allies and remaining were signed between United States and her friends.

One of the important features of Cold War was that American allies and Soviet Union and her friends were involved in spying each other. The American Spy Agency Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), British Spy Agency Military Intelligence 6 (MI6), Soviet Spy Agency KGB and even Israeli Spy Agency Mossad were at the foremost in the spying incidents.

According to experts refusal of Soviet Union to withdraw her forces from Eastern Germany and establish Communist Governments in East Germany and Eastern European countries was one of the most important reasons for the beginning of Cold War rivalry.

Due to Cold War Germany suffered a lot. The most important direct effect of Cold War was the division of Germany into East Germany and West Germany. East Germany with its capital Berlin became the follower of Soviet Union. In East Germany the Russians played an important role in the establishment of Communist form of government. West Germany remained friendly with Western allies led by USA. West Germany had democratic form of government and its capital was Bonn. Germany had to wait till 1990 for its re-unification.

Soviet Union had tried to install its missiles in Cuba. This move of USSR resulted into tremendous tensions between Soviet Union and USA. Cuba is a Caribbean country located very near to USA. When Fidel Castro, Cuba’s then ruler started going close to Soviet Union and allowed Russians to install missiles in Cuba, naturally America got angered. It was a great set back to the greater scheme of Americans to contain the spread of Communism. America was trying to stop the Communism in different parts of the world that is why it was humiliating to her when her close neighbour Cuba had gone in the group of Soviets. America gave daring response to this so called Cuban Missile Crisis. John F. Kennedy, the then President of USA ordered US Navy to blockade the Soviet Ships carrying missiles to Cuba. During Cuban Missile Crisis entire world had come to the brink of Nuclear War between these two Super Powers. But, good sense prevailed on both the sides and the tension was defused and war was avoided. Russians agreed to withdraw missiles from Cuba and America also accepted to withdraw its Jupiter Missiles from Turkey.

Due to Cold War Berlin city was also divided into East Berlin and West Berlin. West Berliners were friendly towards America and her allies and East Berlin was under the influence of Soviet Union.

When Soviet Union was under the control of Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev the Cold War was at its highest peak. But with the arrival of Mikhail Gorbachev at the helm of the affairs in Soviet Union situation started changing. Gorbachev was a lawyer by training and moderate leader. He really wanted to bring positive political and economic changes in Soviet Union and peaceful relations with Western Powers. For achieving his goals he introduced the policies of Glasnost and Perestroika. Under these policies the political and economic freedom was given to Russian people which ultimately resulted into the disintegration of Soviet Union in 1991. It is a classic example from history wherein one sees that the policies with good intentions instead of yielding positive results ruined the things and there was a downfall of Gorbachev as well as mighty Soviet Union.

In 1991 the Communist regime established by Lenin after October 1917 Russian Revolution became a history. Various provinces like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan declared their independence from Soviet Union and became independent and sovereign countries.

After the disintegration of Soviet Union USA remained the only Super Power in the world. With the arrival of twenty first century many changes are taking place in international scenario. At present countries like India and China have become important players in the global political and economic developments. China is making rapid economic progress but at the same time creating nuisance to its neighbouring countries. India is the largest democracy in the world and its goal is to achieve an inclusive and sustainable development by spreading the message of peace to the world. It is definite that India will play a major role at the global level in the years to come.

In 20th century the World as a whole had experienced First World War, Second World War and Cold War. There were other wars also fought in different parts of the world during previous century and twenty four years of 21st century that is ongoing century. Let us pray that there shouldn’t be a Third World War or yet another Cold War in the years to come. There should be only peace, cooperation, universal brotherhood, harmony and spread of love, humanity and smile in the world.

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