Unification of Germany


Unification of Germany

 Like Italy, Germany was also a divided country upto 1871, Germany was divided into many Kingdoms, Largest being Prussia. It is said that there were around 300 states and small principalities in Germany. In Germany also Austria was responsible for division like Italy Cavour, the statesman of Piedmont had played Crucial role in unification of Italy and in case of Germany Otto van Bismarck - the chancellor of Prussia played very important role in unification of Germany.  Fredrick William IV , King of Prussia was interested in uniting Germany under leadership of Prussia. Hence he gave all to different German States and kingdoms to form a close union. He did not invite Austria. As many as 17 German states responded positively to the Call of Prussia and they united at Erfurt in mouth of March 1850.. Austria was angry with this development as she was not invited and she did not want unity of Germany. Fredrick William IV had to stop this plan under Austrian Pressure. the king of Prussia.

 In 1861 William I became the king of Prussia. He was brother of Fredrick William IV. Like his brother, William I was also interested in uniting Germany. He started. Strengthening the Prussian armed forces William I, however was having opposition from the liberals in Prussian Assembly. His liberals also wanted unification, but not by war, rather they wanted to achieve it in peaceful manner. In this way there was: political crisis in Prussia where in the King and Parliament were at border place. William I had appointed Otto Von Bismarck as the Chancellor of Prussia. In 1862 Bismarck became president of Prussian ministry.

Bismarck played pivotal role in achieving the unification of Germany. He applied both the policy of war and diplomacy for achieving the dream of unification of Germany. He was born in Brandenburg and educated person. He belonged to the family of Landlords. After completing his education, he joined the Prussian civil service. He went on to become member of Prussian Diet (parliament). Bismarck, after becoming chancellor of Prussia embarked for the path of political, economic and military development of Prussia. He did so because he knew that in order to achieve the goal of unification off Germany, Prussia had to cross its source with great powers like Austria.

Hence, Strong Prussia was needed. Again the Parliament of Prussia dominated by liberals was against sanctioning funds for Spending on armed forces. Hence the King, William I, raised money by issuing co-ordinates and compulsorily collecting taxes.

The Prussia and Bismarck had to fight to achieve the unification of Germany. Three wars in order to achieve the unification of Germany.

War in Denmark (1864) – Bismarck declared war on Denmark and defeated her with the help of Austria. He did so because the King of Denmark had merged two German Speaking states Schleswig and Holstein with Denmark. Bismarck took objection as these were Dutches of German Confederation. Hence was  fought with Denmark with the help of Austria & Schleswig and Holstein were given to Prussia and Austria.

Austro-Prussian war (1866) After the war with Denmark, Schleswig and Holstein ware taken back and their control was given to Prussia & Austria respectively.

Bismarck systematically befriended Russia, ensured  neutrality of France and made sure that Italy Supports Prussia, in the eventuality of war between Prussia and Austria. At last he, as per the plan argued with Austria issue of  administration of Schleswig and Holstein. Not Only so, he proposed to form a new national assembly of German States and German Confederation in which Austria could have any role. This naturally angered Austria and In 1866 war was fought between Prussia and Austria. In this war Prussian army decisively defeated Austrian army at Sadowa on 3 July 1866. Austrio-Prussian war (1866) came to an end with the Treaty of Prague. The Austrian interference in German affairs reduced. Bismarck also helped Italy by handling over Venetia to her. And northern German states were brought under confederation; with the king of Prussia becoming the king of this federation.

Franco-Prussian war (1870-1871) The last hurdle in the path of final unification of Germany was France. Certain circumstances gave an opportunity to Bismarck to enter into a war with France and also project Prussia as victim of French policies. There was a revolution in Spain in 19th century and after that revolution, Prince Leopold was given an offer to become the Spain. King Leopold was relative of  King of Prussia but Napoleon III put pressure and ensured that Leopold declines this offer. France and Napoleon Ⅲ were Concerned with rising power of Prussia and they did not want France surrounded by East and south power of Spain to north eastern side ruled by King of Prussia. Leopold due to his power polities between France and Prussia, declined this offer and that is France was happy but foreign minister of France sent telegram to manager of Prussia asking him to convince king of Prussia that any other relative of these should not accept Spain.

But William I refused to give guarantee. He sent a telegram known as EMS telegram to Bismarck informing this development. When Bismarck received this telegram he was having dinner with Von Moltke and von Roon But Bismarck twisted this telegram by changing the language in such a way that showed that France was abusing, insulting King of Prussia. These telegrams were published in leading German newspaper, which angered Prussian people. Hence war became unavoidable. On 19th July 1870, France declared war on Prussia.  France had miscalculated the strength of Prussian army. They not only gave befitting reply to French bus set seized the capital of France.. Hence France had to accept the defeat and this war Came to an end by treaty of Frankfurt. This war (1870-71) paved way for final unification of Germany when southern and northern Germany were united.

On 18th Jan 1871 William I was declared the emperor of unified Germany in famous Hall of Mirrors in Versailles,


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